Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 4, 2007

Actions Speak Louder Than . . . . . ?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life and work, I sometimes forget that the people who read my email letters are pretty much all adults. And yet, the most important job on the planet--and undoubtedly the most difficult job--is raising healthy, happy, caring and responsible children.

What reminded me of this was the strange connections and the humor in the following email that I received from a friend and colleague. I hope you enjoy this, too:

'A first grade teacher had twenty-five students in her class. She presented each child in her class the first half of a well known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb.

The insight of first graders may surprise you. Keep in mind that these are 6-year-olds, because the last one is classic. How soon they learn, and they learn from us.'

1. Don't change horses.................................Until they stop running.

2. Strike while the......................................bug is close.

3. It's always darkest before..........................Daylight Saving Time.

4. Never underestimate the power of............termites.

5. You can lead a horse to water

6. Don't bite the hand that.............................looks dirty.

7. No news is................................................impossible

8. A miss is as good as a.............................Mr.

9. You can't teach an old dog new................math

10. If you lie down with dogs you'll.............stink in the morning.

11. Love all,

12. The pen is mightier than the.................pig

13. An idle mind is.......................................the best way to relax.

14. Where there's smoke there's...................pollution.

15. Happy the bride who..............................gets all the presents.

16. A penny saved is...................................not much.

17. Two's company, three's..........................the Musketeers.

18. Don't put off till tomorrow put on to go to bed.

19. Laugh and the whole worldlaughs with you, cry........................................and you have to blow your nose.

20. There are none so blind as.......................Stevie Wonder.

21. Children should be seen and not..................spanked or grounded.

22. If at first you don't succeed........................get new batteries.

23. You get out of something only what you.....see in the picture on the picture box. and the WINNER is----

24. Better late...................................................than pregnant!

Children make connections by watching the world. They make connections that we might never imagine. They make connections that are true, that are false, that are brilliant, and that are very telling about the world they live in.

What connections do your children make about food? About health? About taking care of their body? About avoiding colds and flu?

Do they even THINK about health and illness? Or is health just something that happens to them?

It's important that we explain to children health and nutritional information which you and I may take for granted. Any child can understand the pH of water if it is explained in simple terms. If children understand the pH of water, they can understand that the blood is mostly water and a healthy pH of blood comes from healthy food and water.

Once they understand the importance of healthy blood, they can understand that blood goes to their eyes, heart, liver, ears, muscles, brain and to every cell in the body.

I was just talking with my daughter Ashley today and she told me that her son CharLee had been sick from eating too much sugar from the Easter Bunny. She used this asa teaching opportunity to help CharLee understand thatit was the sugar in the Easter candy that made him acidic and then sick. Now CharLee wants to know what foods arehigh in sugar because it doesn't want to get sick again.

Several years ago, my wife, Shelley, and our oldest son, Adam, created a book for children to help them make the connections between eating and health. The name of the book is Doc Broc and the Stone Hinge Cave Adventure.

This book introduces new alkaline hero's like Doc Broc andthe Avorado Kid who take on the acidic foes like the MeatMonster and the Big Bad Burger Bully and his pack of WildHot Dogs.
The book also comes with an audio CD so you can look at the wonderful colored pictures while listening to the text.

This wonderfully illustrated book by my wife Shelley also has incredible alkaline recipes just for Kids!

Doc Broc and the Stone Hinge Cave Adventure is an incredible tool for teaching children healthy eating!

To order your Doc Broc Stone Hinge Cave AdventureBook go to:

You can also order Doc Broc's Adventure Coloring book including many of Shelley's Characters, such as: Lucious lettuceMr. Freeze and chokin' CheeseThe Carrotee KidsDirty DairyQueen Chic-eata who sings the sugar bluesTumo TomatoQ-CumberMean Ms. Yeasty BeastAnd the fish bowl.

You can order Doc Broc's coloring book at:

Remember, it is never too early to begin talking to kids about health. And remember also, they are not only listening to you....and remember.....

25. Actions speak louder than.......?

In love and healing light.

Dr. Robert O. Young

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