Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2007

A Family Living Healthy and Dis-ease Free!

The following is a testimony of an incredible
loving Mother and how she is raising her healthy
alkaline kids - free from sickness and disease.


Today is July 17, 2007 and I am excited to share
a story about raising alkaline kids with all of
your friends and family.

Almost 10 months ago our son "A" came into our home
from Guatemala and then our son "J" followed shortly
after him. "A" is 19 moths old now and "J" is
3 yrs old. Neither had a great start in life and
we are positive the lack of nutrition caused them
both to have several issues with their skin,
bowels and behavior.

The moment we met both boys over a year ago, we
gave them some green juices and they both loved
them! "A" was too little at the time to ask for
more - but he would drink almost 9 oz. whenever
we offered it to him. "J" couldn't get enough
and his little body would eliminate so much toxic
build up that it would amaze us.

"A" came home with what some diagnosed as eczema,
we referred to it as lizard skin (dry, bumpy, leathery).
It was not attractive and all over his body - his
checks were so dry they would bleed just from rubbing
against his sheets at night. I began to rub him
down with coconut oil three times a day. That did
help - but what I think really worked was the amount
of green juices he began to drink at only 10 months old.

Every day he drinks 40 ounces of greens and will often
ask for more. It took about four months to really
see the difference in his skin and brightness of his
eyes. He is such a happy and healthy little boy.

"J" has only been in our home in the US for almost
7 months - and all of his digestive issues are gone,
he is bright (speaks fluent English and has extensive
use of the English language - beyond his age), loves
to eat vegetables and can't get enough avocados.

We believe he is proof kids will eat what you give them.
He lived on candy, soda, meat, bread and dairy before
he came to our home. Now he enjoys fresh juice,
fruits, vegetables, dairy free living, yeast free
products and never asks for chicken, candy or things
he depended upon for survival before.

I juice daily for the kids and they can't get enough
of the fresh juices. All of our kids drink a minimum
of 32 oz of greens each day.

We are currently waiting for our 5th child to come home
and he is only 7 months old. The moment we are home
with him - he will begin to enjoy the many benefits of
drinking greens and alkaline pH water, as well.

Our daughter "L" is almost 5 yrs old and she was our
first alkaline child. Changing to a pH balanced diet
brought her out of mild Autism and allowed her hair to
grow back that fell out after a severe reaction to
vaccines. Today she too is a healthy, happy and
vibrant child! Those who knew her during her autistic
health challenges can't believe she is the same child

Our 13 yr old daughter "M", has seen what going on and
off of an alkaline diet does to the body. She is now
old enough to realize how she feels when she drinks
enough greens and when she goes without them for an
entire weekend when not at home. This is a great age
to allow them to see with their own eyes how the pH
Miracle alkaline diet and lifestyle produces healthy
skin and hair! Every teenager wants both of those.
She is now getting interested in cooking and will begin
to pick recipes from many of our raw, vegan and alkaline
cook books to make meals for our family. She is truly
a gift to our lives and watching her grow in
understanding of taking responsibility for her own
health is amazing!

She would still rather eat tomato pie, cereal (whole
grain), popcorn, pretzels vs all the raw veggies I
offer - but she has learned to enjoy them and tries to
eat a salad as a main course almost daily!

All of our kids have gone from cows milk to almond milk,
to raw coconut milk, to hempseed milk. None of them can
tolerate even the smallest amount of dairy in a dish -
it just goes to show you how we are not made to drink or
eat dairy!

You see it doesn't matter when you start with your
children down the path of alkalizing them, just that
you start. They will all learn to love it - because
nothing taste as good, as good health feels.

I often think what kind of legacy will we leave behind -
our hope is that our children will give back more than
they take, live for God and love all those they meet.

I hope this encourages others to not just seek health
for themselves, but for their children, grandchildren,
nieces, nephews, students, and neighbors. We can change
lives - one at a time. The goal is not perfect eating,
but learning to make more good choices every time you
eat or drink.

Children should not and cannot be expected to make the
right choices for themselves, thus they need all of us
to help them until the day they are ready for such an
awesome disease free!

With much respect for all you do!

Love in Him,

A pH Miracle Living Mother

PS I should add learning all that I have from you - has
changed my life, health and touched 100's of peoples
lives around the globe! Keep giving the gift of hope!

To learn more about pH Miracle alkaline living for
kids of all ages go to:

I would also suggest Shelley's book, "Doc Broc and
the StoneHinge Cave Adventure" for teaching children
alkaline eating through an incredible children's
story book. It also has alkaline recipes in the
back of the book that children love!

You can find the "Doc Broc and the StoneHinge Cave
Adventure" Book on or go to:

We also offer the Doc Broc greens for kids at:

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